Kategoriarkiv: CodePort info


The supplier change on ClarionShop was opened just today. All products have been available for download for more than a week, but now we are opening for sales again. The “buy now” buttons in our thirdparty area points directly to ClarionShop. We will list all our products ASAP. If you are looking for a particular… Les mer »


In agreement with employer, CodePort AS will go into regular business from April 1. Still a few things to sort out before I leave.  Da er det avtalt med arbeidsgiver at CodePort AS går inn i normal drift fra og med 1 april. Fortsatt noen småting som står igjen før jeg kan avslutte.

Clarion 3rdParty toolsClarion tredjepartsverktøy

CodePort will continue the developement of the Clarion 3rdpartyTools which AdiTech sold on ClarionShop. These are tools that are mainly built by me and that we use in our daily work. It will take a week before they are all transferred.CodePort tar over utviklingen av alle Clarion tredjepartsverktøyene som AdiTech har solgt på ClarionShop. Dette… Les mer »

It’s alive!Vi er igang!

We are alive. With courtesy of my former employer, we know possess a serious number of codelines which we are going to maintain and further develop in the same, good, ol’ tradition of quality you have gotten used to the last decade.Vi er igang. Undertegnede har fått med seg kildekode og en liten kundeportefølje som… Les mer »